“Show Us Your Purple” is an annual day of recognition created by Hu-Friedy to celebrate dental hygienists. Purple swag giveaways and a social media photo contest encouraged hygienists around the country to post photos of themselves “showing their purple”, the color of dental hygiene. The event created a platform for a highly interactive experience on social media, which also drove more referrals to the Hu-Friedy website and product purchases.
“Show Us Your Purple” is an annual day of recognition created by Hu-Friedy to celebrate dental hygienists. Purple swag giveaways and a social media photo contest encouraged hygienists around the country to post photos of themselves “showing their purple”, the color of dental hygiene. The event created a platform for a highly interactive experience on social media, which also drove more referrals to the Hu-Friedy website and product purchases.
“Show Us Your Purple” is an annual day of recognition created by Hu-Friedy to celebrate dental hygienists. Purple swag giveaways and a social media photo contest encouraged hygienists around the country to post photos of themselves “showing their purple”, the color of dental hygiene. The event created a platform for a highly interactive experience on social media, which also drove more referrals to the Hu-Friedy website and product purchases.